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Womb Wellness 

The womb is a direct reflection of a women's physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual health

Womb wellness is key to a woman's health. It is our source of personal power and creativity. 


When our womb is unbalanced we feel stuck, no sense of purpose, stay in toxic cycles, uninspired, etc.


Vaginal steaming is used to help cleanse and heal the womb from the inside out.




Yoni Steaming Relives:

  • Reduces menstrual symptoms, such as bloating, cramps, exhaustion, and heavy bleeding

  • Boosts fertility

  • Promots healing after childbirth

  • Reduces stress

  • Treats hemorrhoids

  • Increases energy

  •  Reduces fatigue

  • Treats headaches

The Courageous Queen Yoni Healing Experience will help women :


Purge Through Ink: Mindful Journal Prompts 


Guided Womb Meditation & body positivity


Cleanse & detox through vaginal steaming

This experience is for women seeking tools and techniques to reclaim their feminiity while heailng the womb

materials include:

  • Water & Tea

  • Fruit

  • Meditation

  • Journal Prompts

  • Personalized Affirmations

  • Yoni Steam



Courageous Queen

Yoni Healing Experience


Valued @ $300


30 min Yoni Steam includes:

  • Water/Tea

  • Womb Meditation


Soul Sister Yoni Healing Experience

(2 ppl)

Valued @ $600


This is for 2 women who want to experience the courageous queen yoni healing experience together


Goddess Wellness Consultation

Got questions on womb wellness, self-love, mental health, and/or hiring a doula?  Fee counts toward selected service.

Yoni Steam



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